
3.21.11 Privateer Insider - Domination Information (Or Lack Thereof)

On today's Privateer Insider, David Carl, the Development Manager for Privateer Press, "spoiled" some info about Hordes: Domination.  I'm sure he would have released the unedited version if he could have, but oh well.

However!  There are a few little tidbits we can take from what he wrote. The one I think is the most important is that Minions are getting another warbeast!  I sure hope that it's a Farrow beast.

Trollbloods get a unit, Circle gets a warbeast (wow, that's surprising /sarcasm), Skorne gets a ???, and Legion's entry was a warlock.  Other than what was included, who knows what's coming out?

That's about all of the information that I can gleam out of today's Privateer Insider.  Stay tuned for a battle report between Kreuger the Stormlord and Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood!

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