
An Analyzation of Warcaster Defenses

A warcasters defenses are commonly added together to give an idea of their overall servivability.  Here, I will cover all of the warcasters of Warmachine defenses, including focus adding to armor.

I will list all of the Warcasters, according to their DEF+ARM.  In parenthesis is the warcasters defenses after adding FOCUS.  The numbers after the parenthesis are the amount of damage boxes the warcasters have.

pNemo (35) - 14
Harbinger (38) - 17
pSeverius (36) - 16
eSeverius (36) - 16
Witch Coven (37) - 8*3

High Reclaimer (34) - 18
pKreoss (36) - 18
Old Witch (36) - 16

pCaine (36) - 15
eCaine (36) - 15
pHaley (37) - 15
eHaley (38) - 15
eNemo (37) - 14
Kara (36) - 16
Amon (36) - 17
Testament (35) - 18
eKreoss (37) - 18
pIrusk (37) - 17
eIrusk (37) - 17
pSorscha (36) - 17
Zerkova (37) - 16
pDeneghra (37) - 16
eDeneghra (37) - 16
Garryth (36) - 16
Kaelyssa (37) - 16
Rahn (38) - 16
Macbain (36) - 17

Siege (37) - 18
Darius (37) - 22
Kraye (37) - 18
pStryker (37) - 17
Reznik (37) - 17
Vindictus (37) - 16
Karchev (36+1) - 34
eSorscha (37) - 17
Strakhov (37) - 17
pVlad (38) - 18
eVlad (38) - 18
pGaspy (38) - 18
eGaspy (38) - 18
pGoreshade (38) - 17
eGoreshade (38) - 17
Mortenebra (38) - 16
pSkarre (37) - 16
eSkarre (38) - 16
Venethrax (38) - 18
Ravyn (37) - 16
pMagnus (37) - 17
eMagnus (37) - 17
Fiona (38) - 15
Bart (37) - 17
Shae (37) - 16
Durgen (37) - 16

eStryker (38) - 17
pFeora (38) - 16
eFeora (38) - 16
pButcher (38) - 20
eButcher (34-39) - 20
Terminus (38) - 20
Vyros (38) - 18
Ashlynn (38) - 14
Gorten (37) - 18

Some points of interest.  8/12 Cryx casters fall in the 31 category.  Every faction has a caster in the 32 category.  Mercs don't have a caster lower than 30 (even then, Macbain has Unyielding for two more ARM in melee), as do Retribution.  Protectorate as the most casters under 30.  Protectorate is also the most widespread, having a warcaster in each category.

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