
4.18.11 - Lord Exhumator Scaverous and July Releases!

The model for Lord Exhumator Scaverous was announced!  Furthermore, our favorite Japanese supplier, malefic.jp, spoiled the July releases for Privateer Press.

Wow, what a great model!  Defying all expectations, he turned out to be a medium base model, despite coming in a box.  With chainsaw scythe, steam vents galore, and even a spiffy cape to boot, he'll be all the hotness with the ladies.

Here are a few guesses based on the model and the blurb.

- On his weapon, P+S 14, Sustained Attack, Critical Shred.
- ARM 15 or 16, with a special soul collecting system.  My guess would be super cull soul, where he can have up to 5 souls on him, and can choose to convert those souls to focus during his activation.  Also will have Ghost Shield (a la Wurmwood).
- Possibly spend a soul token or focus to get +2 SPD for a round (from the "ammunition and fuel" part of the blurb).

July Releases

Taken straight from malefic.jp.

PIP31078……Cygnar Storm Strider Battle Engine (white metal and resin)……8,500円
PIP31091……Cygnar Gallant Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit (white metal)……1,400円
PIP32085……Protectorate of Menoth Blood of Martyrs Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit (white metal)……1,400円
PIP33087……Khador Black Ivan Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit (white metal) ……1,500円
PIP34093……Erebus Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit (white metal)……価格未定
PIP41083……Mercenary Captain Damiano (white metal)……価格未定

PIP71064……Trollbloods Trollkin Scattergunner Officer & Standard (white metal)……価格未定
PIP75036……Minions Targ Character Solo (white metal)……1,400円

PIPNQ37……No Quarter Magazine Issue #37……750円

Blood of Martyrs?!  Possibly a character Vanquisher, in keeping with the trend of Character heavies for the new casters.  However, a character Dervish would fit the theme for the Daughters of the Flame warcaster, Thyra.  But that's just an upgrade kit, so it will most likely be a heavy.

For Erebus, the only warjack from the plastic kit that doesn't have a character is the Corrupter.  But from the Wrath cover picture, we can tell that he just has two Open Fists.  So he's another character Slayer.  Which isn't a bad thing.

Scattergunner Officer and Standard!  With sprays being as powerful as they are in MkII, anything that makes sprays better is going to be awesome.  I think that the SP 10 minifeat from the Cleanser Officer would be sweet with these guys.  Reform would be insanely good with the Scattergunners.

Minion Targ Character Solo?!  Sweet.  My guess is he'll be a supporty solo, possibly even a warlock attachment for Farrow.  If you are lucky enough to have the Legion of Everblight book, check out page 8, paragraphs 5 and 6 for a short blurb on who Targ is.  He is actually Farrow, meaning he's a pig.  However, a deformed leg and spine prevent him from fighting, so he helps Dr. Arkadius out with surgery and other menial tasks.

I think the rest are all pretty much old news.  Except for maybe the release timeframe for the Storm Strider.

Well, I think that's it for today, thanks for reading!

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