Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain
Part three on the Tactics articles for the Hordes battle box warlocks. Madrak, along with his cursed axe Rathrok, protect and defend anything Kriel from those who would take advantage of the Trollbloods lack of technology.
First thing's first. The statline. His SPD is higher than the average troll, with the MAT of your standard melee warlock. His RAT is higher than average, due to him throwing his boomeraxe. DEF 14 ARM 16 means he's pretty solid, but don't bank on it saving his hide. You can, however, bank on him being DEF 18 in melee, though (Sure Foot plus Janissa's wall).
On the flipside, we see he has a few special rules. With Snap Fire, you can quite possibly make two POW 18 (including the Mauler's animus) ranged attacks per turn. The Scroll of Grindar's Perseverance is a handy little ability that let's him shrug off a hit. Talisman of Subdual will almost never get used, but you never know what might happen. It just means that if a Mauler were in position to frenzy on Madrak and bite his head off, he won't. Madrak's axe, Rathrock, has Critical Grievous Wounds, for when you go up against Hordes warlocks and/or Tough casters.
Carnage - Giving +2 MAT to everyone in your control area? Yes, please! The first thing that came to mind today, when I read this, was, "This makes Burrowers MAT 8!" Just this +2 MAT makes the difference between needing to boost and not needing to boost. For infantry, it makes it so you can hit a lot more accurately. The only downfall is Madrak's measly 5 FURY giving him a 10" control area. Good to cast when you need infantry to hit.
Stranglehold - The obligatory magic missile. This actually has a place in most every game, especially if you are facing more than one heavy. As long as the heavy isn't engaged with anyone when you cast it, the heavy won't be able to attack anyone (assuming it has no ranged weapon). The only problem is that Madrak is FURY 5, most likely will need to boost to hit, and to damage, because Stranglehold is only POW 11.
Sure Foot - Madrak's signature spell. This spell is at the heart of the so-called 'Madrak brick'. Combined with Janissa's wall, everything in the 3" bubble will be nigh impossible to hit. Remember, Sure Foot says 'within' not 'completely within', so it makes Sure Foot have a pretty large area of effect.
Overtake and an additional attack. I'm inclined to say that Fennblades will get the most mileage out of this, but Kriel Warriors will also be good, and slightly more accurate, just a little bit slower. Burrowers also wouldn't be bad to take with Madrak either, getting another Slug Gun attack (because of Point Blank).
For the most part, I would say take your favorite Dire Troll and an Axer. I would prefer the:
Dire Troll Mauler - I would take this guy with Madrak, not only cause he's an amazing beatface and gets help with Carnage, the Mauler's animus, Rage, also helps Madrak out. Because you can throw Rathrok, the STR bonus from Rage also adds onto the POW of the ranged attack.
Troll Axer - While benefitting from Madrak's feat, Carnage, Sure Foot, etc., you mostly take this guy for his animus. Making a Dire Troll faster means the mayhem happens quicker (and hopefully catching the opponent off guard). Carnage + Thresher means not having to boost to hit against a lot of infantry.
Dire Troll Bomber - Two POW 16s a turn kill a lot of things. Carnage makes him MAT 7, so he can be a backup Mauler. If you decide to take the Bomber instead of the Mauler, you do lose out on the STR buff, but he'll be softening up your opponents on the way in. I strongly suggest taking a Troll Impaler if you end up taking this guy.
Madrak helps melee centered units the most, and Trollbloods have no shortage of those. My favorite 4 are as follows.
Kriel Warriors - Trollbloods most basic troops. These guys are really flexible with their two different prayers. In one turn, they can be SPD 7, and the next turn they can be MAT 7, P+S 12. A full unit, including cabers, is only 11 points, and that gives you 15 bodies. Of course, they also have access to the Fell Caller, Stone Scribe Chronicler, and the Krielstone, which make everything Trollbloods better. Their only downfall in my book is that they don't have Reach.
Fennblades - These guys are my favorite one wound infantry. They have Reach, P+S 12, and with their officer they have Set Defense. These guys can take more advantage of Madrak's feat than non-Reach models can. You don't as many bodies for the points, but with Vengeance, they'll get two attacks per turn (three with feat).
Pyg Burrowers - Now these guys are nasty. Under Madrak's feat, they get an extra Slug Gun shot (as long as it's in melee). They are also as cheap as the Kriel Warriors, and don't get shot up on the way in. With Carnage and a Fell Caller, the Burrowers are MAT 8, reliably hitting DEF 15.
Trollkin Champions - Trollbloods' heavy infantry. They don't benefit from pMadrak as much as they use to, because Skaldi Bonehammer gives Overtake (which doesn't stack with the feat), but the Champs are still solid.
All four units are solid choices, so it's down to personal preference.
Fell Caller - So good, he's almost an auto-include in lists. The +2 MAT alone is worth it. Remember, he can run and sing a Fell Call.
Stone Scribe Chronicler - Giving concealment is great for the brick. Hero's Tragedy is great on both the Kriel Warriors and the Fennblades (maybe even more so with the Fennblades).
Janissa Stonetide - If all she did was make a wall, she would be worth the points. She also has an ARM piercing axe, and a couple other good abilities.
Example List
-Dire Troll Mauler
-Troll Axer
Fell Caller Hero
Janissa Stonetide
Krielstone Bearer (min)
-Stone Scribe Elder
Pyg Burrowers (max)
Fennblades (max)
Mauler takes out heavies, Axer is for his animus/anti-infantry. Fell Caller, Krielstone, and Janissa are for giving out buffs, and for occasional attacks. Burrowers do what they do best. And that is BURNINATE things. With Carnage and Fell Call, they are really accurate. Fennblades are there as a tarpit/offensive unit who can wreck havok on the feat turn.
Thanks for reading! Next up is pLylyth, Legion of Everblight starter box warlock!
Just a fun note, Grievous Wounds also stops Martyr and Macbain's feat, since these are healing effects